Wednesday 17 December 2014

High-speed imaging of entire Drosophila embryonic development wins first place

Imaging of embryonic stage of  fruit fly using SiMView technology

A study published in nature methods back in June 2012, Raju Tomer et al. showed a novel high-speed in vivo imaging with SiMView technology, which recorded mult
iple views of the specimen simultaneously. SiMView data sets provided quantitative morphological information and enabled accurate automated cell tracking of an entire early embryo.

#WatchNowh  ttp://on.fb.me/1w05oze multiple views of Drosophila embryonic development, recorded in 30-second intervals over a period of 24 hours, starting three hours after egg laying. This simultaneous multi-view light-sheet microscopy technique may help reveal cell lineages, cell differentiation and whole-embryo morphogenesis, essential aspects of developmental biology.

#ReadMore in the original article http://bit.ly/1uP7p0W

#microscopy #imaging #developmental #biology

Drosophila melanogaster embryonic development 

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